Appearance Details
Article extension 8-10 pages
Maximum number of authors 4 authors
Maximum number of articles per author 2 items
Language English
Originality Original articles not presented at other events or under review in other publications
Field of research Engineering and science, specifically on the topics of the conference.
Manuscript structure Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, References
Manuscript format Word template for Mac, Word template for PC, Overleaf (LaTeX), and guidelines for Springer conference proceedings, indexed Scopus Q4.
Peer review Double blind
Anti-plagiarism policy Inspection with Turnitin and other services
Publication Springer conference proceedings, indexed in Scopus Q4
Presentation at the event Oral presentation by at least one of the authors
Presentation template CITIS-for-oral-presentation-template
Best paper award At the end of the event: “XI Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Society”

Checklist for submission preparation

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify that their manuscript submission complies with all of the following. Manuscripts that do not comply with these guidelines will be returned to the authors.

    1. The manuscript has not been previously published nor has been submitted for consideration by any other journal/conference (or an explanation has been provided in the editor’s comments).
    2. The manuscript follows exactly the format recommendations established in the conference templates.
    3. The manuscript includes figures and tables in the right position, not at the end of the document.
    4. Tables were built-in Word and are not presented as images.
    5. To ensure an anonymous peer review, you must ensure that your name does not appear in the body of the manuscript or in the file properties (right-click on the file, click on “Properties”, go to the “Details” tab, and delete all property and personal information).
    6. We encourage Overleaf users to use Springer’s proceedings template for Latex.
Appearance Details
Article extension 8-10 pages
Maximum number of authors 4 authors
Maximum number of articles per author 2 items
Language English-Spanish
Originality Original articles not presented at other events or under review in other publications
Field of research Engineering, specifically on the topics of the conference
Manuscript structure Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, References
Manuscript format Abya Yala editorial template (Template link)
Peer review Double blind
Anti-plagiarism policy Inspection with Turnitin and other services
Publication Special edition book published by Abya Yala publishing house with ISBN
Awards The best posters will be awarded
Poster Format A0 (841 x 1189 mm), vertical
Poster contents Title, Authors, Affiliations, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions
Poster specifications See specification table below
Audience interaction The audience will interact with you in real time during the scheduled time.
Poster printing The organization prints the works for the exhibitors

Poster Specifications

Element Details
Size and orientation A0 (84.1 x 118.9 cm), vertical
Title Centered, Arial Bold 80. Must be legible at 2 meters.
Acceptance code On the right side, Arial 40
Logos On the left side
Authors Below the title, names with surname and first initial, with superscripts for affiliations. E.g.: Last name1, N.1, Last name2, N.2 & Last name3, N.3. Minimum size Arial 32
Affiliations Below the authors, with superscripts, including: faculty/department/group, university/institution, address, city, country. Minimum size Arial 32
Poster body Typical sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions, References. Section headings: Arial Bold 40. Text: Arial 32.
Diagrams, tables and graphs Use to minimize text, with headings in tables and figures.
References Format QR
Acknowledgments Optional
Best poster award At the end of the event: “XI Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Society”.
Reference template CITIS_2025_Poster_Template

Instructions for preparing and sending your manuscript

The Conference accepts only research articles and reviews written in English. Full papers reporting the results of final or ongoing research with a length of 8-10 pages (including figures, tables, and bibliographic references) are welcome. Four is the maximum number of authors admitted for each article and no more than two articles per author.

Submitted manuscripts must be original and not have been presented in other events, nor currently been under evaluation in another event or scientific publication. Also, the contributions should be framed in the field of Engineering, specifically in some of the topics of the Conference. Check topics here.

Manuscripts must comply with the following structure: Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, and References. Figures and Tables have to be included in the spot they are intended to be, and not at the end of the manuscript.

To ensure an anonymous peer review, authors must ensure that their names, affiliations or any other information that may reveal their identity do not appear in the body of the manuscript or the file properties. This information will be included by the authors themselves in the camera-ready version of the manuscript.

Authors must prepare their manuscripts using the Word template for Mac and Word template for Pc or Overleaf (LaTeX), and guidelines for Springer Conference Proceedings, indexed Scopus Q4.

In order to verify the thematic adequacy to the Conference, submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the Chair of each Technical Track. Subsequently, the works will be sent to the Scientific Committee, who will assess the manuscript relevance, originality, and impact. Every submitted manuscript will undergo a double-blind review process. 

All manuscripts submitted for review are inspected by a disciplined anti-plagiarism policy that ensures the originality of the articles. To do this, different special services are used, such as the Turnitin system, which analyzes the texts for grammatical and ortho-typographical matches, which ensures that the works are unpublished and, at the same time, ensures compliance with the standards of editorial quality that guarantee their own scientific production.

Upon receipt of notification of acceptance of the paper by the Scientific Committee, the lead author should prepare a PowerPoint presentation of his work using the following CITIS-template-for-oral-presentation. Also, the corresponding author must fill out this Consent to Publish Form, sign it and upload it to Easychair. 

All papers approved by the scientific committee must be presented orally in the event by at least one of the authors (not necessarily the first one). This will assure the inclusion of the manuscript in the Conference Proceedings.

Checklist for submission preparation

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify that their manuscript submission complies with all of the following. Manuscripts that do not comply with these guidelines will be returned to the authors.

    1. The manuscript has not been previously published nor has been submitted for consideration by any other journal/conference (or an explanation has been provided in the editor’s comments).

    1. The manuscript follows exactly the format recommendations established in the conference templates.

    1. The manuscript includes figures and tables in the right position, not at the end of the document.

    1. Tables were built-in Word and are not presented as images.

    1. To ensure an anonymous peer review, you must ensure that your name does not appear in the body of the manuscript or in the file properties (right-click on the file, click on “Properties”, go to the “Details” tab, and delete all property and personal information).
We encourage Overleaf users to use Springer’s proceedings template for Latex