IV International Conference of Science, Technology and Innovation for Society (CITIS)
The IV International Conference of Science, Technology and Innovation for Society, CITIS, held from November 29 to December 1, 2017 and was organized by Universidad Politécnica Salesiana. It offered the national and international academic community a unified communication platform, aimed at covering the theoretical and practical problems of greater impact in the modern Society through Engineering.
In this edition the thematic axes were related to the application of science, technological development and innovation in six fundamental sectors of our society: Education, Environment, Health, Industry, Information and Telecommunications.
The scientific committee consisted of 40 researchers from 7 countries: Spain, United Kingdom, Colombia, Brazil, Italy, United States and Ecuador. 152 contributions were received, of which 47 were approved in the form of papers and 16 in poster format. These contributions were presented orally to the entire academic community that gathered at the conference, from the voices of speakers from Mexico, Colombia and Ecuador. The audience, on the other hand, from the UPS Main Hall, the Auditorium and the Multipurpose Room, respectfully fulfilled the responsibility of representing an entire Society in the review, acceptance and validation of the new knowledge that was presented in each exhibition by the researchers.
The Conference offered four Workshops and presentation spaces for Scientific Posters. Also in the framework of the event a total of 13 keynote lectures were imparted on current topics such as the economics of innovation and its impact in Ecuador, the challenges of intelligent LED lighting, cooperative communications in Smart Cities, applications of intelligent objects in environments of learning, applications of the Internet of Things to health, potential of biomass as a substitute for fossil fuels in the industry, measurement of functional size of software, new generation optical networks, fault diagnosis in industrial processes, new technologies and disability, among others.
To download the proceeding, clic here: https://congresos.ups.edu.ec/index.php/citis/index/pages/view/memorias

In the workshop, we address the appropriate uses, excessive and inappropriate of the technology for people with disabilities. Students are taught to use issues related to the control of health and it describes the consequences of addiction or pathological use of cell phones and internet, as well as what happens when technologies are employed to harass the other people (cyber bullying). Examples are provided to develop research and applied works focused on the use of technology, to promote appropriate and healthy uses and prevent inappropriate and unhealthy uses.
PhD. Cristina Jenaro Río – Universidad de Salamanca, Spain

Cristina Jenaro Río is a Professor of the Department of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment of the Faculty of the University of Salamanca. She is the director of this Department since 2012. She is also the director of the Master’s Degree in General Psychology at the University of Salamanca. Cristina is a Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Mendoza (Argentina). She has directed (or codirected) 32 doctoral defended theses and 103 final degree Works, thesis projects and master’s final works. She has 127 publications in journals and 89 publications in books or book chapters. She has also participated in 80 research projects and 26 projects of teaching innovation and has made 382 presentations in congresses. Her research lines are related to disability, anthropology, health, quality of life, quality of work life, attitudes, transitions to adult life and inclusion.
PhD. Noelia Flores Robaina – Universidad de Salamanca, Spain

Noelia Flores Robaina, is a professor in the Department of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment of the Faculty of Psychology from the Universidad de Salamanca. She is a licensed General Health Psychologist since 2015 and has more than 15 years of professional experience in this field. She is a researcher at the Instituto Universitario de Integración en la Comunidad (INICO) and a member of the Research Group on Disability Research recognized by the University of Salamanca since 2015. She has 67 publications in indexed journals and 33 publications in books or book chapters. She has participated in 32 research projects or contracts and in 14 teaching innovation projects and has made 206 presentations in congresses. His lines of research are related to disability, health, psychosocial risks, quality of working life, caregivers and inclusion.
Date: November 29th
Time: 09h00 thru 13h00
Duration: 4 hours
Registration time: 08h30
Venue: Auditorio, D building, 1st floor.
Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
Robles 107 y Chambers, Guayaquil, Ecuador
This workshop will address the following contents:
1. Overview of the photovoltaic generation: isolated systems and systems connected to the network
2. The photovoltaic panels, features and models
3. DC-DC conversion and energy storage system
4. DC-AC conversion
5. Coupling to the mains supply
6. Isolated Systems
PhD. José Manuel Aller Castro, Venezuela

He earned his bachelor degree of Electrical Engineer, Cum Laude, at Simón Bolívar University of Venezuela and he is a Master in Electrical Engineering from University of the same country. In 1993, he graduated as a Doctor in Electrical Power Systems, Cum Laude at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. In his 37 years of academic activities has focused on the area of the conversion of Electrical Energy and Power Electronics. In 2006 he received the award for excellence in the teaching profession Procter & Gamble and the Biennial Award for the Best Book of text in the area of Applied Science awarded by the University Simón Bolívar. He has published more than 120 scientific and technical articles in refereed journals and international conferences. Since 2016, he is a professor at the Salesian Polytechnic University at headquarters Cuenca in the career of Electrical Engineering.
Date: November 29th
Time: 14h00 thru 18h00
Duration: 4 hours
Registration time: 13h30
Venue: Sala de Usos Múltiples, D building, 1st floor.
Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
Robles 107 y Chambers, Guayaquil, Ecuador
The Technologies of Information and Communication (ICT) offer new challenges in terms of performance, not only individual and social level, but also in the personal and professional level. In this respect, ICTs offer opportunities in different contexts: political, social, cultural and educational, favoring the process of teaching and learning and of course the need for research. In this workshop we will try to make an approach applied based on the following points:
– Principles of the use of ICT in the behavioral sciences.
– Evaluation through the creation of online questionnaires in research.
– Main models of adoption of ICT and other inherent variables in the process.
PhD. Carmen Moret Tatay – Universidad Católica de Valencia, Spain

Degree in psychology and a PhD cum laude in Mathematics. She is a professor and researcher at the Catholic University of Valencia, San Vicente Mártir, performing at the same time, coordination of international relations of the Faculty of Psychology and the research group MEB Lab (Mind, Emotion and Behavioral Research Laboratory) at the same University. In addition, she is member of the panel of evaluators and external experts of SEPIE (Spanish service for the internalization of the education) within the Erasmus program +. Researcher of prestige with a big number of research stays in the USA, Brazil, Portugal and France.
Date: November 29th
Time: 09h00 thru 13h00
Duration: 4 hours
Registration time: 08h30
Venue: Computer Lab, D building, 3rd floor.
Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
Robles 107 y Chambers, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Dimensions of the scientific journal
- Organ of diffusion
- Axis of discussion
- State of the art
- Voice of a scientific community
New technologies applied to scientific communication
- XML and its standardization
- Reading Formats
- Visibility, dissemination and scope
Today and challenges of the scientific journal, new approaches
- Traditional editorial process vs. automatic Formats
- Periodicity
- Priorities and future vision
Moisés Moreno, Consultant Scopus Elsevier, Mexico

Cyber Engineer and in Computing Systems with excellence by La Salle University. Master in Finance of Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México. He worked in the company Thomson Reuters as a consultant. He currently serves as a consultant in Elsevier in the area of Research Intelligence; he is responsible for the region Latin American north.
Date: November 29th
Time: 09h00 thru 13h00
Duration: 4 hours
Registration time: 08h30
Venue: Sala de Usos Múltiples, D building, 1st floor.
Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
Robles 107 y Chambers, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Dr. Rafael Palacios Bustamante, Germany

Rafael Palacios is a researcher, international consultant and an academic member of “How Germany Innovate” Program. He is a sociologist and has a Master in Policy and Management of Innovation at the Central University of Venezuela. He also has a PhD and a post-doctoral study in Scientific, Technological and Innovation Policy in Latin America (both at the Tübingen University, Germany). Dr. Palacios is an academic consultant and visiting professor at different Latin American universities: Development of new concepts in the field of the Transfer of International Technology applied to the public and private area of the National System of Innovation. He is a member and permanent coordinator of the International Scientific Committee of RC23 Science and Technology of the World Association of Sociology. He was the director of Innovation from the International Institute of Advance Studies in Venezuela (2009-2011). He has written books and a significant number of scientific papers.
“The risks of Ecuador in the Economics of Innovation”
Both the globalization and technology changes are developing constantly in an accelerated way. Economics reacts according to the innovative capacity in countries. In this context, there should be “intelligent countries” and “intelligent governments” that let them an accelerated adaptation of their technological and endogenous capacities. At the same time, it enables them to improve their economy to keep the production of export markets. In the case of Latin America, it is important to face a dynamic activity that is not controlled by complex technological and economical national strategies. The objective of this conference is to clarify the risks and threats of the technological changes when the innovation capacity is not supported by intelligent state policies. The concept of “intelligent state”, is related to the capacity of moving and being the National System of Innovation adaptable, without effects on the permanent knowledge production and sources. Thus, “the intelligent state” produces a innovative capacity which adapts to the new technological paradigms and also the ability to build up a base of knowledge used by the doers who guide the demand. The conference will adapt this complex issue to the Ecuadorian context, applying as a reference a group of researchers and results to the field of innovation policy in the case of Latin America.
PhD. Humberto Michinel – General Secretary of the International Comission for Optics, Spain

Professor Humberto Michinel is the director of Optics Lab from Universidad de Vigo (Spain). He is the director of the University`s master degree in Photonics and Laser technologies taught by the three universities altogether in Galicia since 2006. He studied physics at these universities: Complutense from Madrid and Santiago de Compostela (Spain), and obtained the doctorate in the last one in 1996 with a distinction “Summa Cum Laude” for his investigations in the non-linear optic field. He is co-author of more than a hundred of scientific papers and has directed nine doctoral thesis about different technologies of Light (Photonics). Since 2011 to 2017, he has been the vice-president of the International Commission for Optics (ICO), which has 60 counts, and in 2017 he became its Secretary – General. Furthermore, he is the president – elect of the Optic European Society.
Professor Michinel has organized several international congresses such as: X National Meeting Optics (Ourense, 2009) el NLQGAS-10 (Ourense, 2010), Nonlinear Guided Waves-V (Santiago de Compostela, 2012) o el ICO-23 (Santiago de Compostela, 2014). He has conducted many research projects from the Spain government and founded with other partners, the first Company based on his field study, ERH-ILLUMNIA by the University of Vigo and specialized in LED.
“Challenges of Intelligent Led lighting”
This talk describes the current state of LED lighting systems and gives a brief review of the evolution of this technology, as well as its future prospects with special emphasis on the incorporation of new systems that will convert LEDs into systems of lighting suitable for future “smart-cities”.
PhD. Carlos A. Lozano Garzón, Director IEEE ComSoc, Latin America Region, Colombia

Carlos A. Lozano-Garzón holds a PhD in Engineering from Universidad de los Andes, Colombia, and also holds a PhD in Technology from the Universitat de Girona, Spain. He received his degree in Systems Engineering from the National University of Colombia in 2004. He worked as a part-time professor at the National University of Colombia (2001-2005), as an associate professor at the University of San Buenaventura (2005-2012), as a visiting professor at the National University of Asunción (July 2014, September 2015), and as Assistant Professor of Doctorate at the Universidad de los Andes (2015-2016). He currently serves as Postgraduate Courses Coordinator at the Engineering Faculty of Universidad Católica de Colombia and as a Postdoctoral Researcher of Universidad de los Andes. Since 2016 till present, proffessor Lozano is the Director of the IEEE Communications Society, Latin America Region.
“Cooperative Communications in Smart Cities Environments”
The development of the so-called Smart Cities has brought with it a continuous growth in the number of subscriptions, and new services and / or applications deployed, generating a significant increase of the data traffic carried through the networks. Among the main drawbacks of this continuous growth are those related to capacity, coverage and interference at the access network level, especially in densely populated areas of the city.
Therefore, operators must be in a continuous process of optimizing their strategies for managing the resources associated with the network infrastructure, seeking to solve not only the technical problems that may arise, but also allow them to increase satisfaction rates of users. In order to address this type of management problem, 3GPP proposed a set of cooperation techniques between base stations called Coordinated Multipoint Cooperation (CoMP). These techniques seek the interaction between neighboring base stations with the aim of improving network performance, especially at the edges of the cells; and to improve the quality of data received on users’ devices.
PhD. Pedro Fernández de Córdoba Castellá – Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain

Pedro Fernandez de Córdoba completed his studies in Physics in 1988, at the University of Valencia (Spain), where he defended his doctoral thesis in 1992, obtaining the Extraordinary Doctorate Award. Later he defended a second doctorate in 1997, in Mathematics, at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV).
Since its inception, he is a researcher responsible for the Group of Interdisciplinary Modeling (InterTech) of the UPV. He is also a founding partner of Energesis Engineering (a technology-based company at the UPV), co-founder of Illumnia (a technology-based company based at the University of Vigo, dedicated to the development of LED lighting solutions) and co-founder of Energesis Natura SAS, born with the mission of developing technological projects in Colombia with a high innovative content.
Now, he is a university professor (full professor) of the UPV. He was also a member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Mathematics-Industry Network (math-in) since its inception on September 30, 2011 until September 2015. He is a corresponding member of the Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Pinar del Río (Cuba) and member of the Académie Nationale des Sciences, Arts et Lettres du Benin. He is an inviting professor ‘Ad Honorem’ of the University of Magdalena (Colombia).
“ENERGESIS, a journey from University research to the creation of technological companies: research, diversification and internationalization”
This conference introduces Energesis, a business group born as a spin off in the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain. The different technologies developed in the area of energy efficiency in building will be described. Special attention will be given to the multidisciplinary nature of the technologies that Energesis has been promoted and to the strong University-business relations in which its activity is framed. Likewise, special emphasis will be placed on the diversification of the Energesis project, its internationalization strategies and the business alliances that have been attained.
PhD. Cristina Jenaro Río – Universidad de Salamanca, Spain

Cristina Jenaro Río is a Professor of the Department of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment of the Faculty of the University of Salamanca. She is the director of this Department since 2012. She is also the director of the Master’s Degree in General Psychology at the University of Salamanca. Cristina is a Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Mendoza (Argentina). He has directed (or codirected) 32 doctoral defended theses and 103 final degree Works, tesinas (small thesis) and master’s final ones. She has 127 publications in journals and 89 publications in books or book chapters. She has also participated in 80 research projects and 26 projects of teaching innovation and has made 382 presentations in congresses. Her lines of investigation are related to disability, anthropology, health, quality of life, quality of work life, attitudes, transitions to adult life and inclusion.
“Technology and innovation at the service of health: evidences and pending challenges”
It addresses the state of Telemedicine, E-health and the applications of technology in the treatment of physical and psychological health problems. This conference presents the main conclusions derived from a systematic review and meta-analysis studies. It also presents an example of the use of an application for the improvement of healthy habits in the elderly population, which has been developed by the work team.
PhD. Federico Domínguez Bonini – Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Ecuador

Federico Dominguez is a professor at the Faculty of Electricity and Computing of ESPOL since 2014, and a researcher in the area of the Internet of Things in the Center of Information Technologies. He is a Computing Engineer graduated from Espol in 2005. He got his master`s and doctorate from the Free University of Brussels in the area of sensorial networks for environmental monitoring in 2014, implementing an urban sensor network for an environmental noise monitoring. His main scientific interest is: applications of sensory networks and the Internet of Things in the education field.
“Applications of Intelligent Objects in Learning Environments”
Smart objects are everyday physical objects embedded miniaturized computers that allow the object to be able to sense and control its environment and wirelessly transmits this information. These objects are the components of the Internet of Things, an emerging technology with applications in industrial systems, domotics, health, and more. Although there are still few applications in the area of education, the intelligent objects have a huge power, thanks to the ability to sense their environment in real time. This allows students and instructors to explore directly the processes or phenomena they are studying, thus enhancing the learning of complex concepts.
PhD. Mónica Huerta – Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Ecuador

She is an electronic engineer and has a Master`s degree in Biomedical Engineering, both degrees obtained at Simon Bolivar University (USB), Venezuela. In 2006, he obtained a PhD in Telematics Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), Spain, with the distinction of Cum-laude. Between 2008 and 2010, she did two post-doctoral studies at the UPC and one at the University of Veracruzana, Mexico. In 2010, she was awarded an Erasmus Mundus scholarship from the European Community to carry out research activities at the University of Barcelona. She was a full professor, Dean of Postgraduate Studies and Coordinator of the Doctorate in Engineering of the USB. She also was the founder of the network and Applied Telematics Group (GRETA-USB). She is a Senior IEEE member of the societies: Women in Engineering, Communications and Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBS) and the President of the EMBS chapter of Ecuador. Between 2014 and 2017, she worked as a researcher in the PROMETEO Program of the Senescyt – Ecuador. She is currently a Professor of the Salesian Polytechnic University from Cuenca, Ecuador. Her research focuses on Wireless networks, sensor networks, telemedicine and remote monitoring. She has led and participated in more than 25 research projects. She has also published more than 102 articles in magazines and national and international congresses.
“Internet Applications of Things (loT) in the Health Sector”
The basic concepts of loT, the development related to loT applications and services in the Health sector, as well as new trends in de development of sensor networks and wearable systems will be presented in this conference.
PhD. Zulay Niño Ruiz – Venezuela

Zulay is a Chemical Engineer, she holds a Master in Business Administration, a Master in Chemical Engineering and a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, in the field of Modeling and Simulation of Environmental Processes. School of Chemical Engineering, Universidad de Carabobo (UC), Venezuela retired Professor. UC Scientific and Humanistic Development Council former Director. UC Environmental Research Center (CIAUC) founder and researcher. The Engineering Doctorate, Environmental Area Coordinator, UC. She took part in Senescyt PROMETEO program as a Level I Researcher from August 2014 to August 2015. She currently works as researcher in Universidad Estatal de Bolívar, Ecuador in the Research Department. He has participated in 16 research projects and has tutored 49 degree projects for chemical engineering students, 6 for Master’s students in Process Engineering, 1 for Master’s Degree in Mathematics and Computing and 3 for PHD in Engineering, Research area Environment. she has published over 100 research papers, in scientific journals of impact, regional production and conference proceedings.
“Biomass Potential for replacement of Ecuador’s energy matrix”
The dependence on fossil fuels is one of the biggest problems the world faces, these resources apart from being limited have a big environmental impact. The implementation of renewable energy sources in Ecuador, including biomass energy for replacement of the of highly polluting fossil fuels and guarantee the energy autonomy represents an important challenge.
The term biomass, refers to organic matter that comes from biological process, it is used as an energy source that makes it a valuable and versatile resource. Ecuador is a biomass producer due to the amount of agricultural, forestry and livestock resources it owns, the waste material is the source of organic matter that makes clean and renewable energy. The use of these resources goes hand in hand with information related to their location, quantity, and caloric potential. This conference will present the main biomass’ transformation processes, in addition to showing the progress made in this area, at the Universidad de Bolivar Center for Environmental Research, and discuss the prospects for development in the area.
PhD. Carlos Monsalve Artega – Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Ecuador

Carlos Monsalve is a Computer Engineer from ESPOL, with a master’s degree in Digital Communications from Purdue University and a PhD in Software Engineering from the University of Quebec. He is a ESPOL full professor. He was the Engineering in Electricity and Computing Faculty former sub-dean and dean. He was Executive Director of the Advanced Internet Consortium of Ecuador (CEDIA). He is currently a ESPOL Doctorate in Applied Computational Sciences. His areas of interest are business process modeling, software requirements engineering, and functional size measurement.
“Functional Size Measurement from Business Process Modeling using ISO Standard 19761”
The functional size of software is very important for developing and maintaining software systems and help to estimate the effort required for such development or maintenance based on statistical models and not only through expert judgment.
The functional size of a software is measured from the specifications of the functional user requirements. One of the approved methods by the ISO for the functional size of software is described by ISO 19761, also known as COSMIC. Many Business Process-Oriented Software products are developed from the business process models that supports those products. In other words, business process models are converted into Functional Requirements Specification documents. This presentation will offer guides and rules of transformation that are based on the standard ISO 19761 and it will allow the measurement of the functional size of software oriented to business processes from their business process models.
PhD. Germán Arévalo Bermeo – Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Ecuador

Professor Germán Arévalo is a full professor at Universidad Politécnica Salesiana where he currently works as the Telecommunication Engineering Faculty Director at Quito Headquarters, Master in Telematics (Quito) Coordinator and Research Group on Electronics and Telematics (GIETEC) Coordinator. He holds a PhD in Engineering from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana in Colombia and a PhD in Engineering from the Universidad Politécnico de Torino (Italy).
He is also an Expert in Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge by the University of Vigo and Diploma in Assessment of Higher Education by Universidad Politécnica Salesiana. His research work focuses on the study of new generation optical network, a field in which he has made important contributions and publications in recent years and in which he is working in collaboration with the Group of Optical Communications of the Polytechnic of Turin. In addition, he was for three years president of the Academic Commission of the Ecuadorian Association of Engineering Teaching Institutions (ASECEI) and is also a member of the Scientific Committee of the ASIBEI-OEA Program for the Training of Engineers in Iberoamerica.
“New generation optical networking, perspectives in Latin America”
The conference reviews the exponential bandwidth increase that has existed on the part of the users in the last years and the consequent proposal of new techniques in the transmission of information, based on optical fiber, that allow to offer ultra-broadband services at sustainable costs for many people. It addresses the issue in the global context with an emphasis on the Latin American situation.
PhD. Mariela Cerrada Lozada – Venezuela

Systems Engineer and Master in Control Engineering by the Universidad de Los Andes, Merida, Venezuela, PhD in Automatic Systems by the National Institute of Applied Sciences, Toulouse-France. Mariela has more than 23 years of academic and research experience, reported in more than 100 scientific papers at congresses, book chapters and high-impact journals in the field of intelligent systems-based industrial supervision. She was a professor at the Control Systems Department at the Universidad de Los Andes in Merida, Venezuela, where she reached the highest academic rank of full professor. In the years 2014-2015 and 2016-2017was a Prometeo researcher in the Research and Development Group in Industrial Technologies (GIDTEC) of the Universidad Politecnica Salesiana Cuenca Headquarters, and is currently teaching Mechatronics course at The Engineering Faculty in Salesiana.
“Failures Diagnosis in industrial processes: techniques and technologies for their implementation oriented to the optimization of production systems”
Industrial production depends heavily on the availability and correct functioning of the technological processes involved, which are from industrial plant processes to processes at managerial levels. In a general sense, a failure is something that changes the behavior of the systems so that they can not satisfy their original purpose, failures in the plant processes could have catastrophic effects even in the systems of execution of manufacture and planning of the company resources, if these do not include actions that allow you to deal with different scenarios that a industrial plant failure can generate throughout the entire automation pyramid.
Under the Condition-Based Maintenance strategy, services maintenance are based on the processes or machines state information , understanding as a state the determination of whether the process is in normal operating condition or a failure, and in the latter case which is the particular anomalous situation existing and the level of degradation. Detection and failure diagnosis as primary tasks in condition-based maintenance use different measured signals from devices in conjunction with models of different nature to identify the current state of the equipment (detection), the particular anomalous situation that may be present occurring (diagnosis), and the degradation time of the identified failure, before a functional fault (prognosis) occurs.
In addition, the industry has expressed the need for real-time data integration with knowledge processes that can be implemented in SCADA systems or embedded systems. Different studies highlight the importance of having applications that allow the implementation of online visualization and monitoring systems, which integrate signal acquisition modules with data processing algorithms for detection and fault diagnosis.
This discussion will show different approaches to the development of fault detection and diagnostic applications, some using mathematical models and others using data-based computational models, including the paradigms of artificial intelligence and learning machines, as well as the use of agent-based technology and service-oriented architectures for the implementation of these applications.
PhD. Noelia Flores Robaina – Universidad de Salamanca, Spain

Noelia Flores Robaina, is a professor in the Department of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment of the Faculty of Psychology from the Universidad de Salamanca. She is a licensed General Health Psychologist since 2015 and has more than 15 years of professional experience in this field. She is a researcher at the Instituto Universitario de Integración en la Comunidad (INICO) and a member of the Research Group on Disability Research recognized by the University of Salamanca since 2015. She has 67 publications in indexed journals and 33 publications in books or book chapters. She has participated in 32 research projects or contracts and in 14 teaching innovation projects and has made 206 presentations in congresses. His lines of research are related to disability, health, psychosocial risks, quality of working life, caregivers and inclusion.
“New Technologies and Disability: a resource for social inclusion and improvement of the quality of life”
The conference is about the impact and usefulness of the New Technologies in the field of disability. It will address the main advantages of its use for the improvement of social participation, quality of life and equal opportunities. Obstacles or barriers that limit their use will also be referred to. Concrete examples of technological resources and innovative applications used in everyday life, as well as in educational or work contexts that will benefit the personal autonomy of people with physical, intellectual and sensorial disabilities. Finally, a series of recommendations will be offered to professionals with the aim of helping people with disabilities and their families to move towards their digital and social integration.
PhD. Carmen Moret Tatay – Universidad Católica de Valencia, Spain

Degree in psychology and a PhD cum laude in Mathematics. She is a professor and researcher at the Catholic University of Valencia, San Vicente Mártir, performing at the same time, coordination of international relations of the Faculty of Psychology and the research group MEB Lab (Mind, Emotion and Behavioral Research Laboratory) at the same University. In addition, she is member of the panel of evaluators and external experts of SEPIE (Spanish service for the internalization of the education) within the Erasmus program +. Researcher of prestige with a big number of research stays in the USA, Brazil, Portugal and France.
“New social challenges in an increasingly digitized world”
What a few years ago were technologies close to science fiction and economically unachievable are currently at our disposal, increasing the possibilities of relationship with the world. It is not surprising that the way in which human beings are involved and use these technologies has attracted considerable attention of researchers in the last decade, which has led to technological innovations, as well as theories related to changes in behavior and in the human brain. In this sense, this fact has come up to be compared with other historical milestones such as the introduction of the typography. For this reason, many disciplines have attempted to address the interaction of technology in terms of human development, cognition, social support and emotional skills. Despite the fact that its adoption has become almost essential for many functions in our daily routine, not all age groups have adopted the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) . In addition, geographical aspects in adoption have been described in terms of digital gap. In particular, the people of the third age are commonly described as “late adopters” compared to younger users. These users have also been described as “digital immigrants”, since in a relatively short space of time, they had to migrate from an analogue to a digital one. In this communication will address issues related to the adoption of ICTs. In this way, we will examine how research has found strong links between the adoption of new technologies, cognitive skills and independent living among older people. The variables that underlie this process of “immigration” are of interest both theoretically and practically, they are the results of such adoption of ICTs.